10 Jun 2012

The importance of water in our body

Hi there.. Let's read some information about the important of plain water here ^___^... 

       Every human being contains 55 percent to 75 percent water. Water is very important to aid digestion, absorption and elimination of food eaten. In addition, water helps the excretion of waste from bowel and kidneys. Other functions of the water in our bodies is to align the body temperature 24/7 and provide smooth movement of joints and membranes. Nearly 92 percent of blood is water. Blood is a transport system that works' distributing nutrients throughout the body.

   While the body secretions and digestive juices are almost entirely water. Human digestive system produces nearly 1.7 liters of saliva each day. Because of the important functions, in normal circumstances the body requires between one and two liters of water each day so that it functions optimally. This amount also depends on the size, diet, the extent to which the individual is an active lifestyle and weather conditions.

WOW that's the power of water... It's really play's an important role in our body... 

Next let's check and find some information about the best time to drinking water !!!! ^__^

    1. Drink 2 glasses of water after you wake up from  
                # It's will help stimulate the internal organs

    2. Drink 1 glass of water before you eat
                # To aid your digestion

    3. Drink 1 glass of water before bath
                # It's help to lower your blood 
    4. Drink 1 glass of water before you are
        going to sleep  
                # Help to prevent heart attack 

So let's keep our body healthy and try to drink water at least 8 glasses per day !!!!!!! 

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